Rain again. I started my day by talking to the lovely woman across the street at Librarie de L'Inconnu. Last evening when I was walking home, I caught sight of a couple of ambulances and a police car or two in front of my apartment! I thought to myself "Did I turn off the coffee maker? Did I unplug the iron?" It scared me. Actually, they were frantically running in and out of the building next door. I went directly upstairs, but peered through my front windows. I noticed which merchants were standing outside of their storefronts watching all of this. A woman had a heart attack, but according to the neighborhood buzz, it looks like she will be just fine. If that weren't the case, I wouldn't have told you any of this. Never a dull moment here in Paris.
On to a much lighter part of my day - I visited the open air market on Raspail Blvd. What is it about Paris? The produce, meat and fish just look magnificent. Really, no matter what market, it all looks that way. I had fun trying to talk to the local fish mongers, Lawrence and Francois. Emphasis on the word trying. They were more than happy to let me take their picture, and were in somewhat of an argument about which of them was better looking! There was a stern woman butchering meat, and she was impressive. I sheepishly requested to take her picture, and she gave me a nod. I would so relish the idea of walking out my front door every morning and buying the freshest of everything for dinner. The rub is that my kitchen here is kind of lame, but I may be inspired to cook before I get to E'cole Escoffier.
It's off to the the Rodin Museum. Although I had been there before, it was magical. I have wonderful memories of visiting the museum with my family years ago. Graydon and Raquel were children. Words can't describe, so I'll let a few photos do the talking. What a truly gorgeous venue! By the way, I know what he's thinking. "I wish it would stop raining."
On my way back to the apartment I observed this rugby team, muddy and clearly not deterred by the rain. I love my Pittsburgh Steelers, but yikes!, these guys are trying to kill each other without pads.
Finally, I did it again. I can't seem to keep my schedule straight. No dinner tonight with Pierre and Veronique. It's on Friday. I promise every delicious detail.
I agree with you about the markets. It's amazing how beautiful all the produce is....and, my very favorite is the booths that have the cassoulet...put up in jars like Gary's grandmother used to put up her green beans, peas, and jams. Yummmmy.